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 Since Tagz is gone, whats everyone up to?

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2 posters
Rune Scimmy
Respected Member
Since Tagz is gone, whats everyone up to? Wvs6t4

Number of posts : 90
Age : 29
Location : Ny, Ny
Country : Since Tagz is gone, whats everyone up to? Australia
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Since Tagz is gone, whats everyone up to? Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Since Tagz is gone, whats everyone up to? Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-02-23

Since Tagz is gone, whats everyone up to? Empty
PostSubject: Since Tagz is gone, whats everyone up to?   Since Tagz is gone, whats everyone up to? I_icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2009 1:15 pm

I've been playing crysis wars, and playing some other servers passing time until the server comes back up. Whats everyone else playing now?
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la lampara
Since Tagz is gone, whats everyone up to? 20zu4wi

Number of posts : 88
Warning : Since Tagz is gone, whats everyone up to? 110
Country : Since Tagz is gone, whats everyone up to? Afghanistan
Point :
Since Tagz is gone, whats everyone up to? Left_bar_bleue100 / 100100 / 100Since Tagz is gone, whats everyone up to? Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-03-15

Since Tagz is gone, whats everyone up to? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Since Tagz is gone, whats everyone up to?   Since Tagz is gone, whats everyone up to? I_icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 4:48 pm

Rune Scimmy wrote:
I've been playing crysis wars, and playing some other servers passing time until the server comes back up. Whats everyone else playing now?
i play iwinscape, kenshinrules, uhmmm jcscape 525(which is really bcoming gay because the fact jamie is more active now)

and servers not coming back up lol
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Since Tagz is gone, whats everyone up to?
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